Term loan is a common form of long term business funding. You get a lump some of cash upfront to invest in your business and repay with interest over a predetermined time period. Best for businesses looking to expand that have good credit and strong business revenue. Offers fast funding typically within 2 days to a week.
Get a lump sum amount of cash to invest in business.
Borrow higher amounts
Get funding in 2 - 7 days
May require some type of collateral
Best for:
Businesses looking to grow
Business owners with better credit and consistent business who can’t wait for funding

Our 3 Step Process:

1. Apply
Fill out our Quick Apply application.

2. We review your application
We review your goals and present you with programs matching your needs, getting an offer in 24 hours.

3. Receive funding
Choose the program that fits you best and receive funding within 48 hours.